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선물을 걸고 할로윈 퀴즈를 진행해봐요!

by 영하고 독하게 2020. 10. 19.

영어 강사로 일하면 생일보다 신경 쓰이는 날들이 있습니다. 그중 하나가 핼러윈(10월 31일)이죠. 크리스마스는 공휴일이기나 하지 핼러윈은 평일인 경우가 많아서 쉴 수도 없어요. ^^


핼러윈 파티에 들뜬 아이들을 위한 선물을 준비하되, 그냥 주면 재미없죠? 영어 수업인 만큼 영어로 퀴즈를 내고, 정답을 맞히면 선물을 주세요. 아이들의 눈이 반짝반짝 빛날 거예요!


작년 핼러윈 때 제가 냈던 퀴즈인데 혹시 필요하신 영어 강사님들은 얼마든지 쓰세요. 저는 추억 저장용으로 올려두겠습니다!

1. 할로윈용 영어 퀴즈

1.1. 초등부

  1. Who am I? I am your English teacher in ____ academy(학원). ☞ Zohi(영어 강사의 이름)
  2. Who am I? I am a person. I go to a school. I am you! ☞ Student(학생)
  3. Who am I? I am an animal. I look like a wolf. I like you! ☞ Dog(강아지)
  4. Who am I? I am a cloth. You wear me when you go to a school. ☞ School uniform(교복)
  5. Who am I? I am a book. You use me when you study with Sohee teacher. In my name, there are numbers. ☞ 1316 팬클럽 교재
  6. Who am I? I am from Disney. You like me. And we meet every Friday! I have a lot of long hair. ☞ Rapunzel / Tangled(라푼젤)


1.2. 중등부

  1. Who am I? I am a very big machine. With me, you can travel all around Seoul. I am usually in underground. I have the same name as a sandwich brand! ☞ Subway(지하철)
  2. Who am I? I am not an ordinary human. I can use magic! You watch me every Friday. ☞ Harry Potter(해리포터) 
  3. Who am I? I am your friend. But I am not a human. You and I are always together! With me, you can do Internet, watch Youtube, call someone else. ☞ Cell phone(핸드폰)
  4. Who am I? I am a building. I am the highest one in Korea. I am in Jamsil, Seoul. ☞ Lotte World Tower(롯데타워) 
  5. Who am I? I am a character. In movie, You can see my name. In a card game, One-Card, you can be strong with me. ☞ Joker(조커)
  6. Who am I? I am a book. I am very thick, so you are always saying I am heavy. We meet every Monday and Wednesday. ☞ Xi Story(자이스토리)


1.3. 고등부

  1. Who am I?  I am a country. I am in western Europe. I am famous for beer, car and football. I was similar with Korea, because once we were separated into two areas. ☞ Germany(독일)
  2. Who am I? I am a very important building. Inside of me, you can stay with family, sleep, cook something. I look like rectangular. You can find me everywhere except rural area. Ah! Nowadays many people can't buy me, because I cost an arm and a leg... It's so sad. ☞ Apartment(아파트)
  3. Who am I? I am a snack. I am very chewy. I am from Germany and look like little bears. ☞ Haribo(하리보)
  4. Who am I? I am a beverage. If you drink me, you might not sleep at night. My color is almost black. You can find me every cafes. ☞ Coffee(커피)
  5. What is the meaning of "trick or treat"? ☞ If you don't give me candy, I'll tease you.(사탕 안 주면 괴롭힐 거야)

2. 추억의 사진...♡


얼굴을 다 가려달라고
잇몸 마르겄다


중1, 고등부랑 찍은 사진이 없네요. 고등부는 특히 다 큰 애들이라 오글거려하길래 찍지 못했는데 지나고 보니 많이 아쉬워요. 그래서 어른들께서 사진을 많이 찍어 두라고 하시나 봅니다. 핼러윈 때 즐거운 추억 많이 만드세요!
